注意!!凡过了晚上十点如果看到红色的和四个字怪怪的或很陌生的电话号码,千万不要接!现在印尼有人在做black magic试验,凡接听电话的人就会无故死亡,不要不相信,诗巫已经有这事发生了!!也许你曾收过一些无聊的警告讯息。。但这封并不是开玩笑。。我担保。。因为我不希望这种事情发生在我朋友身上。。请有留意到我的信息的,帮忙一起告诉身边的人。。
Do you believe the message above or not
i receive this message from my friend though MSN , phone message also face to face
but after i do some research about it then i just know that it is not a BLACK MAGIC but is some genius people de work
why do i say that , that is because the people call you the make your phone de signal high high
(the radioactive ray also high high) it high till a human cannot stand it,
then the person will die on the spot .
that is why you must believe it so don answer a call that is red in color or long long de number
Do you believe the message above or not
i receive this message from my friend though MSN , phone message also face to face
but after i do some research about it then i just know that it is not a BLACK MAGIC but is some genius people de work
why do i say that , that is because the people call you the make your phone de signal high high
(the radioactive ray also high high) it high till a human cannot stand it,
then the person will die on the spot .
that is why you must believe it so don answer a call that is red in color or long long de number
ooo but 4 me better 2 believe it lo cause i got receive call tat hav long long number de also a call that only hav 4 number
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